Monday, March 27, 2017

What is tango?

A friend asked a question some time ago "What is tango?" and I keep thinking about it. Here's what surfaced in my consciousness:

"Tango is a culture captured in poetry, music, dance, dance and socializing events, tango personalities and legends, stories, paintings, theater/TV/radio shows, movies, architecture, climate, food, fashion, almacens, cabarets, dance halls, friendships, courtships, love-making, love-losing, cuisine, sentimiento, language, street noise .... in other words all that makes up life of and around those affected by it. It is almost a self-referencing definition, but it would not be just to take any of those out, and you can probably add some to it. Alas, but you can not really capture it at all since it is a moving target, continuously morfing in multiple directions at once, like wine spilled on the glass-top table, so close yet untouchable and uncontrollable."