Saturday, May 11, 2019

Cortina, cabeceo, etc.

So, I am in a traditional milonga where music is played in tandas with cortinas in between. The way I understand it, the purpose of a cortina is for the dancers to leave the dance floor and, when the new tanda starts, using cabeceo, to find partners to dance with if they choose to dance at all.

So, the tanda ends, I  return to my seat and wait for the new tanda to start to see whether or not the music inspires me to dance. In the same time, during the cortina I scan around looking for potential dance partners so that when the tanda does start, if I want to dance at all, I already know where to direct my cabeceo invitation.

So, I try looking around but can not see anyone because there is this couple standing right in front of me during the cortina, engaged in a conversation, ready to dance as soon as the music starts.

Please, pretty please, dear fellow tango dancers, do not stand on the dance floor during the cortina. I do understand your desire to just continue dancing with your current partner, but it is really rude to prevent others from finding dance partners by obstructing their view. If you wish to dance with the same partner as in the just finished tanda, please, step aside and continue your interaction with your partner off the dance floor. Thank you.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Tango and Sumo

Since some time ago I have become a fan of sumo. One of the features of sumo that attracts me to it is the depth to which it is rooted in the Japanese culture. And that makes it similar to tango (need I say "argentine tango"?). Just like in tango, there are traditions and innovations and there are those who are sticklers to the traditions and those who break out of it.

Recently, there was an incident at a sumo event where a traditional procedure (some would call it a rule) was broken and "all hell broke loose". What is interesting about it to me is the comments that can clearly be grouped into the "tradition must be preserved" and "tradition is a living thing and therefore it evolves" groups--just like in tango.